Remaining these visits to educational institution and organizations of Calama and Alto Loa, the Museum of Natural and Cultural History of the Atacama Desert arrived for the first time a nursery school.
“The Museum visits your School Program” aims to educate the community about the knowledge and conservation of local heritage, seeks to motivate the knowledge of the Mesosoic dinosaurs and reptiles of the past through questions and didactic introductions, thereby achieving children acquire knowledge about our past in a fun way
Regarding the exhibition, Osvaldo Rojas, director of the Muhncal, stated that “ There are children who dominate the topic of dinosaurs quite well, even in some cases exceeding in many aspects the knowledge of our specialists since it is a very striking subject, hence the models that we use in this exhibition are large. Our goal is to seek children feel part of the sample, take photographs and have fun by playing and sharing this information, that sometimes can be very dense.
This program, which began in May of this year, has already visited 12 educational institutions, in addition to social organizations in Calama and Alto Loa, with more visits expected during the current year. “Recently we were at the Teletón Institute since we are looking for inclusion in learning, and we have also visited Chiuchiu, the Caspana Valley and Lasana. On the other hand, we have plans to go down to the coastal region, which we have already done in previous years, but we are currently focusing on visiting children in preschool education,” added Osvaldo Rojas.
“The Museum visits your School” program and the Muhncal constantly receives delegations from communal schools and high schools for guided tours. Here, museum specialists explain the latest researched subjects and recent discoveries, with the aim of a better understanding of the importance and value of their territory. These guided tours are held every Thursday and Friday and can be requested to the museum.