The final room of the nature chronological tour shows around 60 constantly preserved stuffed animals or replicas of current faunae.

The area enhances the importance of these beautiful marvels in Ecological processes, too.

lamas, guanacos and flamingos, are also considered in this room. Besides, visitors can find other retrieved species found closer to Loa River, such as river birds or owls like the “Tucuquere”, spotted near the riverside, a couple of years ago. All stuffed animals are contributed by Study Centers for educational purposes, only.

The main objective is to instill visitor appreciation and respect for the local faunae. Therefore, it is important to clarify the origin of this representation for uttering that no animals were hunted or mistreated, since the principles of the institution are based on eradicating all malpractices undermining care and respect for our faunae and environment. This permits all visitors to appreciate natural richness of our region and planet.

This permits all visitors to appreciate natural richness of our region and planet.